Wednesday, June 11, 2008


What does it take for one person to look back to who they were 5 years ago?

As for me, i can look back to those memories with just the blink of an eye.

You see, i'm a very sentimental person. Back in highschool i used to take so many pictures of every event that's happening during our senior years; and not just pictures, i even got our section a scrapbook where we write down, post pictures of every thing that goes on with us.

Whenever i see that book, or open it for some nostalgic episodes, i can't help but smile and then laugh...

It's like going back to high school in full circle..

I realized me and my colleagues really did changed a lot. With our physical appearances up to the way we talk and act during annual reunions, all of us matured in so many different ways.

Some are already working in different fields...

some are still pursuing their studies...

some chose to start their own families...

some would still act so carefree

and some friendships still remained the same.

We may have experienced a lot more of life in college but what we have learned during the 4-year stay in highschool is something that no college degree nor award could ever replace.

It's where we've found life-long friendships.

And i say this not because it's been 5 years since i got out of highschool or that i'm getting old (geez, i'm only 21!), I'm saying this because no matter how far nor how busy my friends were, we still manage to care for each other.

That's one of the many things that highschool has taught us apart from the gruelling academic subjects and what seemed an endless pit of projects.

Once every year, we try to gather again, not as a section, but as a whole. No more Rutherford. No more Archimedes. No more Roentgen.

Just the SMMS Senior highschool batch of 2003.

That's who we are when we graduated.

That's what we are now.

Whatever misunderstandings that some of us may had gone thru during our teenage years should already be forgotten. We're mature people now.

We have to forgive them.

So I'm making this post of appeal for my batch mates who cares enough to look back for a while.

We've learned so much guys, we've matured into better persons and that's really a good thing.

Just take one moment to look back, there's nothing wrong with taking a glimpse of highschool life again.

Luv u guys! ♥

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